Tuesday 25 September 2018

Why It Is Called '' LATEST TECH. '' & Not '' NEWEST TECH.''

First of all there is a huge difference between late and new we know that.
now talking of  tense late has latest which comes very last like years ago, and new has tense transformation of newest that means that comes very early and is recent in trend.

Now we called today's upgraded tech as latest technology instead of newest technology because of the PATENT ACT
{ if you are unaware of what is patent here is a short answer- A patent gives its owner the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, and importing an invention for a limited period of time, usually twenty years.}

Now each patent last for 20 years. and in this time period the owner has full rights to use this patent act I will explain you with a small realistic example.

we now a days use this AMOLED displays in our smart phones stating it as latest technology but what if i told you that this technology was developed in 2008 i.e. 20 years earlier from now and as this is very late time to use this technology so we call it as latest technology and not newest.

Also the rights of this technology expired in 2018 from 20 years earlier (2008) the owner had the rights to use it under his/her name but after expiration of patent ,the owner tech  went public and now everybody is using it freely and easily. 

After reading this article think of this words Why It Is Called '' LATEST TECH. '' & Not '' NEWEST TECH.'' and think of it why we call latest and not newset.