Friday 12 January 2018


People from different countries are been saying all along in different regions of the globe they heard a ' boom '.

Shortly a report was published by a ex- solider in the EARTH DEFENSE FORCE.

What is EARTH DEFENSE FORCE we will talk about it later on.

This man states that he had been to various mission in space to moon, mars titan the moon of Saturn.

Now the medium of transportation they used was a spaceship, normal thing for them, but this spaceships hold the capability of warp-drive. If you are a star trek fan you know whats a warp speed. 
For those who don't know its a ship travelling very very very very fast ( almost the speed of light ).

This ships were shaped like cigar and various other shapes. 

Now here is my thinking- 
What I m thinking is that when this ships shoot out in the space a large sound is bursted out like an aeroplane flying above you producing a heavy un bearable sound. 
But due to vacuum in space the sound is not heard but the direction of sound is directed towards earth , and when it reaches the surface of earth 
the sound is heard able in the form of ' boom ' and as it is travelling from one medium to other ,there will be some losses and the audible noise will be heard in low voice.

Now you might have seen I glimpse of the ship, when NASA cuts down the LIVE FEED while filming near moon ( specially ) saying that ther is atechnical difficulty ( bullshit ) . That's the ships they are hiding. 

This was my view what do you think am I right ???