Sunday 11 December 2016


We all know about Nikola Tesla, what he did for the human race. His ideas and inventions led us till the future where somewhere we are procedding.
still at this date his ideas are used and are in practice.

Today we are going to talk about one of his inventions that is the TESLA TURBINE.
This turbine has the highest efficiency ever recorded, still in this date also the turbine hold the 1st rank above all.

Here is a video about it. Check it out.
Here is an image about the efficinecy of this turbine.

Image result for tesla turbine efficiency 

I hope you got a glimpse of what this turbine has the capability to do. if this small turbine is connected with a small motor then it would help to generate power of 2.4V . Although if we use bigger turbine and connect it with bigger motor then this would give us desired power output.

Thank You 

Nishit Joshi